What is the best weight loss diet?

As someone who’s fluctuated weight my entire life, I’ve gone through weight loss both the healthy way, and the unhealthy way.

The healthiest (and most blatantly obvious) way to losing weight is through a combination of exercise and healthy eating Leptitox. But what should you be eating if you want to lose mostly fat?

The answer is surprisingly: fat.

Let’s rewind and consider the unhealthy ways I’ve lost weight. I dropped 30 pounds from simply limiting what I ate, cutting out high fat and high calorie foods without looking at anything except the grams of fat and calories. I barely worked out, and relied on a strict diet that left me hungry, frustrated, and unhappy.

Almost immediately after my ‘diet’, I was so fed up with the lack of food, I reverted back to my old habits. The ugly part is my habits got worse, I ended up gaining more weight than I originally lost, and in half the time it took me to lose it.

The next time around, I did more than look at the macro’s on a nutritional label. I took note of the ingredients and studied how they reacted inside my body.

What I discovered was that naturally occurring healthy fats that come from nuts, fruits, vegetables, beans and meat sources kept me satisfied, so I spent less time filling my body with things it didn’t need.

To get more specific: Avocados, Coconut oil, beans, peas, quinoa, eggs, seeds like chia and hemp hearts, nuts (but watch your portions), and yes even beef, pork, chicken, and definitely fish.

Avoiding sugar, fried foods, and highly processed foods is a huge leap towards losing fat. A lot of times fat doesn’t come from fat, it comes from carbohydrates that you couldn’t convert into fuel (ie calories you didn’t burn).

If you are eating the right foods that easily convert into fuel (healthy natural fats, complex carbs, protein), plus are exercising (burning more fuel than you put into your body, ie taking fuel from your body’s fat stores), you’ll not only see ‘fat weight’ pretty much melt off, but you won’t feel run down and diminished.