The fastest way to lose weight

The fastest way to lose weight would be amputation, assuming you can readily find a surgeon to assist as doing it by yourself would be ill-advised. As you are a computer programmer you probably need your hands, so we'll focus on the legs. African Fat Flusher Reviews Assuming you're an average male, amputating from below the knee would account for 6.18% of your body weight*, or 5.5kg. If you also remove the thigh this will increase your weight loss by another 10.5%, so you be down to the 75kg mark. Assuming you're of an average height of 1.78m, this will bring your BMI down from 28 (overweight) to 24 (normal).

I would advise against removing both legs however, as while you'd reach 60kg in weight, your height would drop by about 47% to 0.8m, or 2"8' leading to a massively off-the-scale BMI of 89.

Should this seem a little drastic, then I'm afraid your stuck with the conventional fact that to reduce weight you have to consume fewer calories than you use. To do this, you can reduce input, increase output, or do both.

The only way to reduce input is to moderate your diet.

To increase output, you can increase your metabolic rate, and you can increase your physical activity.
Eating a balanced diet of lean protein, low-density carbohydrates, and "good" fats is a good way to increase your metabolic rate.
Lifting heavy weights is probably the most efficient way to burn calories for the time spent on the activity.

There may be other "fast" ways to lose weight, such as organ removal, dehydration, and magical "gut-busting" pills and metabolic "boosters", but in terms of your health, stick to the food and exercise part.

*My figures were based on data from two sources - "Human Body Dynamics: Classical Mechanics and Human Movement" by Aydin Tozeren, and "Anatomical data for analyzing human motion" by Plagenhoef, S., Evans, F.G. and Abdelnour, T. (1983), Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 54, 169-178.